Using Dysport to Ease Away Those Pesky Wrinkles

Unending youth – it’s what most of us secretly wish for. Life after thirty isn’t exactly a bed of roses, especially when it comes to trying to maintain youthful looks. Crow’s feet near the eyes and fine lines between the eyebrows are enough to set off any adult having issues with the aging process.
Dysport is an injectable treatment that has proven to be a boon for those trying to ease away those pesky and embarrassing fine lines. It’s quite popular and is a preferred procedure for patients the world over.
What Is Dysport?
Dysport treatment is a non-surgical minimally invasive procedure used in the prevention and removal of wrinkles. It works by relaxing contracted facial muscles, which results in smoother skin. It is used to treat crow’s feet, vertical lines in the glabellar area (the space between the eyebrows), horizontal forehead wrinkles, and more.
The active ingredient of Dysport is Botulinum toxin type A, a protein distilled from a bacterium, Clostridium botulinum type A Hall strain.
How Does Dysport Iron Away Unwanted Wrinkles?
Dysport is injected into the facial muscles responsible for wrinkle formation, temporarily immobilizing them. Only small amounts of Dysport are needed for this process, and this allows the treatment to be very precise.
Dysport is a neuromodulator, meaning it affects the nerves’ effects on muscles. Injections block the nerves’ signals to the muscles, allowing them to relax. This in turn allows the skin above the treated area to relax and be flat and smooth.
The benefits are typically visible on the third day after treatment. Fifty percent of treated individuals showed significantly visible improvement prior to the third day after administration. The remaining half of the treated population showed the effects of treatment after the third day.
One reason to choose Dysport treatment over Botox, another popular injectable option, is that the body has a tendency to break down Dysport at a slower rate in comparison to Botox. Dysport also tends to show results faster than Botox.
The Dysport Injection Procedure
At the start of the Dysport injection procedure, a topical anesthetic may be applied to help numb the area and prevent any pain. This helps patients only feel a slight pressure during injection.
Injections will then be administered in the target areas. The procedure is wrapped up in about fifteen minutes. The effects of Dysport have been known to last for a maximum of four months. After this point, patients can return for follow-up treatments in order to maintain Dysport’s effects.
After your Dysport procedure, you will be able to return to your daily life and activities. No downtime will be required, so you can go right back to your job without any inconvenience. This is in contrast to surgical procedures, which often require a fair amount of downtime for healing.
Schedule Your Dysport Consultation
If you’re interested in facial rejuvenation, contact the office of Dr. Burke Chegar and set up a consultation. Dr. Chegar is double-board-certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology, making him an excellent choice for your Dysport procedure.