Conveniently located to serve Indianapolis and Carmel, IN

At Chegar Plastic Surgery in Carmel, north of Indianapolis, we offer eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, for patients with sagging upper eyelids and puffy undereye bags who want to rejuvenate the youthful beauty of their eyes.

What Is Blepharoplasty?

Sometimes the tired look on a person’s face has nothing to do with how much sleep they get at night. Sagging skin of the eyelids and bulging fat pads can create a look of fatigue that may become more prominent even as early as your 20s and 30s due to hereditary factors.

Blepharoplasty is the procedure that restores a more youthful, well-rested appearance to your eyes by removing the excess skin, fat, and sagging muscle. For upper eyelid surgery, the incisions are hidden in the natural creases around the eyelids and heal with a virtually invisible scar. In cases of excess lower eyelid fat without any excess skin, the incision is made inside the eyelid and results in no externally visible scar. this procedure is known as lower eyelid blepharoplasty or eye bag surgery. there is also a type of blepharoplasty for the creation of a double eyelid.

Combining Your Eyelid Lift with Other Procedures

Sometimes heavy upper eyelids are the result of sagging along the forehead and eyebrows, in which case, a brow lift may be recommended alone or in combination with a blepharoplasty.

Also important to consider is the presence of fine wrinkles around the lateral and lower eyelids. These aging features often do not respond to eyelid surgery and require some form of skin resurfacing such as chemical peel or laser. Other procedures such as fillers and Botox injections may also be used in a complementary fashion with blepharoplasty to remove hallowing and wrinkles around the eyes.

What You Should Know Before Undergoing Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty can easily be performed as an office procedure under local anesthetic or may be combined as part of a larger facial rejuvenation such as a facelift. Most eyelid surgery is performed for cosmetic reasons but some conditions may be treated as part of a medical condition that is covered by insurance. the cost of the procedure and payment options can be addressed during the consultation.

Your Blepharoplasty at Chegar Facial Plastic Surgery will be performed by specialist Dr. Burke Chegar in Carmel, IN.

Blepharoplasty Recovery

Some swelling and bruising are to be expected following eyelid surgery. You will need to avoid touching and rubbing the area around your eyes during the recovery process. It can take around seven to 10 days before patients are able to return to work. It can take around two weeks for a majority of the swelling to subside.

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How Much Does Eyelid Surgery Cost in Indianapolis?

The cost of the surgery can vary on a number of factors. As an experienced Indianapolis blepharoplasty surgeon, Dr. Chegar will meet with you in his Carmel office to discuss all options and pricing.

Arrange a Consultation with Dr. Chegar

Dr. Chegar is considered by his patients to be a top eyelid surgeon Indianapolis and Carmel residents can rely on. Contact the office of Dr. Burke Chegar today to set up your informative and helpful eyelid surgery consultation. Dr. Chegar can take the time to address any questions or concerns you may have about eyelid surgery and provide you with the care you need.

I had upper blepharoplasty with Dr. Chegar. The procedure was done in-house and I never needed pain medication afterwards! My results have been amazing and any little question I had, Dr. Chegar and his staff were quick to answer. I highly recommend!! (And if you need any injectables/fillers, Terri is your girl!!)

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