The Facial Fat Transfer: A Great Way to Naturally Fill Areas of the Face for a More Youthful Look

A facial fat transfer is a cosmetic procedure that uses your own excess body fat to fill in the hollow areas of your face. Your face can look gaunt and sunken due to a loss of fat caused by aging, genetics, or an illness.
The facial fat-transfer procedure corrects this by adding volume to these areas. It is an incredibly safe procedure with no risk of infection, since the fat is taken from your own body. It leaves your face looking young and supple.
How Is a Facial Fat Transfer Carried Out?
A facial fat transfer is a procedure that involves harvesting fat gently so that the integrity of the fat cells is not compromised.
Other surgical methods like liposuction can damage a fat cell’s membrane and prevent them from thriving. The concentration of the fat harvested and the way it has been washed will also affect the results of fat transfer.
A facial fat transfer is a minor procedure that can be performed on an outpatient basis. Injections for fat transfer require a more detailed procedure than for other dermal fillers. A donor area needs to be determined from where the excess fat will be extracted. It could be your buttocks or thighs or other similar areas that usually have an abundance of fat.
Liposuction is used to carefully extract the fat from this area. After this, fat that has been suctioned in this manner is processed so that only the healthiest fat cells are used. These cells then be added to the face as a graft to fill up creases and build up fuller contours.
The fat that has been grafted needs to connect to the blood supply in order to survive. About half of this injected fat will survive and thrive in its new environment. Multiple treatments are required to achieve optimal results.
Recovery After a Facial Fat Transfer
The patient can resume their daily activities right after the procedure, although it is advised that they do not participate in any intensive physical activities for at least a day.
The patient is recommended to avoid any participation in strenuous exercise in order to keep bruising and swelling at bay. Prepare to feel a little numb in the injected areas. However, this numbness will subside over time.
Your Results
The results of a facial fat transfer are immediate. However, you will not be able to see them until after your gauze is removed and bruising and swelling have dissipated.
These changes will last up to several years. The sustainability of the results will depend on the candidate and how well the transferred fat adapts to the region. Appropriate skin care can extend the lifespan of these changes.
Contact Us to Schedule a Consultation
A facial fat transfer is a natural cosmetic surgical procedure that can help people with gaunt and hollow faces achieve youthful vivacity. It is extremely safe and requires very little downtime.
To learn more information about the facial fat transfer, contact our office and set up a consultation with Dr. Burke Chegar to find out if this procedure is right for you. Dr. Chegar, who is double-board-certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology, will be happy to discuss potential options to give you the results you deserve.