The Endoscopic Brow Lift Features Advanced Techniques

Every delicate feature of the face counts towards a person’s overall appearance. Even something small and seemingly insignificant like lines or wrinkles on the brow can make someone look older.
The forehead and brow are affected by the effects of aging, gravity, stress, and repeated muscle movements. Brow lifts are surgical procedures that address the top-third portion of the face. They are typically combined with other kinds of facial surgery to provide a holistic rejuvenated appearance.
The endoscopic browlift in particular is a technique that is highly recommended among facial plastic surgeons today. The reason behind this is that this procedure features advanced techniques. These allow it to be minimally invasive and to leave behind only minimal post-surgical marks in comparison to other techniques.
What to Expect During an Endoscopic Brow Lift Procedure
Any kind of plastic surgery is designed to meet the personalized needs of different patients. Typically, brow lifts consist of correcting the position of tissues that have descended due to time and gravity. They raise sagging brows and smooth away wrinkles in the skin.
With endoscopic brow lifts, a little work can go a long way. Raising the brow area even a small degree can instantly make someone appear more rejuvenated.
During an endoscopic brow lift, Dr. Chegar first makes three to five minor incisions behind the hairline. He then inserts a small fiberoptic instrument known as an endoscope. This fiberoptic instrument features a light and a camera.
The endoscope aids Dr. Chegar in making more precise corrections to the brow and forehead regions, since the images projected from it onto an external monitor are quite detailed.
Why Is an Endoscopic Brow Lift Better Than the Traditional Brow Lift?
The endoscopic brow lift is not the only kind of brow lift in use among plastic surgeons, but it is certainly the most popular; it has replaced the traditional brow lift as the go-to technique.
The traditional procedure involves a single larger incision and is more invasive. Because of this, it creates more bruising and swelling. This means that it requires more downtime and has an overall less comfortable recovery process.
With the endoscopic brow lift, the healing time is faster and more comfortable for patients. The incisions made are much smaller, meaning post-surgical marks will also be smaller.
Recovery and Healing After an Endoscopic Brow Lift
After your endoscopic brow lift, you will need to relax and heal for a time. During this time, it will be necessary to stay home from work and avoid heavy exercise routines and other physically taxing activities. You may also need to use cold compresses to reduce swelling and bruising.
Which Brow Lift Is Right for You?
Dr. Burke Chegar is double-board-certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology. He offers a number of brow-lift options for patients depending on the exact details of the case and the patient’s unique aesthetic needs and goals.
If you would like to find out which brow-lift technique is right for you, contact the office of Dr. Chegar and schedule your informative consultation. Dr. Chegar will be happy to answer any questions you may have.