Moderate and Deep Wrinkles and Folds Can Be Filled with Radiesse Injections

There are numerous cosmetic fillers available on the American market today. Many of them have different functions and can only be used for a specific purpose depending on the situation. Radiesse, however, is considered to be one of the most versatile skin fillers available today.
Radiesse fillers can be injected into hollow cheek bones, jawlines, and chins to increase their volume and improve the condition of the skin by restoring collagen and elastin. It is also one of the most durable fillers and its effects can last between 24-34 months. In some parts of the body, Radiesse dermal fillers can last up to 36 months.
Unlike other fillers that need to be supplemented regularly, Radiesse fillers are not known to dissolve or reduce in size. Any touchup treatment may only be required to further boost collagen production.
As an FDA approved filler, Radiesse and is one of the very few deep fold and wrinkle dermal fillers. It is completely safe, quick, and absolutely painless. There is no downtime and it can be done in one quick session. You can even get it done during your lunch break and return to work without any need to rest.
You may, however, experience some redness, bruising, minimal skin rashes, or sensitivity after the treatment, but it will subside quickly.
If you experience any uncommon symptoms or discomfort, immediately contact your licensed care provider as well as your primary healthcare provider. Generally speaking, you don’t need to worry about nausea or its negative impact on your health since the filler only affects the wrinkles and hollow furrows on your body and doesn’t get absorbed into your metabolic system.
The procedure does not require anesthesia and a session may be completed as an in-office procedure within 15 to 30 minutes. Radiesse is developed in a safe and controlled laboratory environment and unlike bovine collagen, no animals are harmed to produce it.
Why Does it Offer the Best Value?
Receiving a Radiesse dermal filler won’t force you to make lifestyle changes, go on a long leave from work, incur post-treatment maintenance expenditures, suffer from side effects, or go in for frequent touchup sessions.
Also, unlike many other cosmetic therapies, you won’t need to take any pre-treatment qualification test to establish that you are suitable for this treatment. Most importantly, it is considered perfectly safe for all skin types.
You will begin to see changes take effect immediately after the procedure. In time, you will see the disappearance of marionette lines, deep wrinkles, smile lines, and other facial folds that give your face an aged look. Your face will appear young, toned, healthy, and rejuvenated.
You should, however, make sure to check the credentials of your doctor before you agree to the treatment. Getting injected by a doctor who doesn’t have the right training and knowledge may lead to the formation of lumps and bumps on your skin and may even generate a look that doesn’t look natural.
Contact Our Office
As a double-board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Burke Chegar will happily talk to you about the Radiesse treatment and the benefits it can provide you. Contact us to set up an appointment today!