Archive for April, 2016

Rhinoplasty – Indianapolis Nose-Reshaping Procedure

Rhinoplasty, or nose-reshaping surgery, can be performed using a number of techniques. Your surgeon will have the option of performing rhinoplasty using either open or closed incisions. During open rhinoplasty, an incision is created on the columella, the skin strip found between the nostrils at the base of the nose. With this incision, the skin […]

Facelift – Rhytidectomy Surgery Indianapolis

Have you noticed that your cheeks, neck, and jowls are sagging? The subcutaneous fat pads in the cheeks sag as we age, as does the skin. This happens because the tissues do not have as much support as they did when we were younger. The muscles and ligaments of the face lose their strength over […]

Microdermabrasion – Indianapolis Remove Dead Skin Cells

Is your skin showing signs of wear and tear? If so, this is usually an issue relating to the cells of the superficial skin layer. As these experience damage or cell death, their appearance changes and becomes dull. Wrinkles form, and the skin’s texture becomes rough. To deal with these issues and more, an exfoliating […]

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